
What's Happening!

Page history last edited by Jamie Greco 11 years, 5 months ago

Join us Thursday, September 5, 2013 for an evening discussion of the book Death Al Dente with author Leslie Budewitz at the Glacier County Library.  Leslie Budewitz is a native Montanan that lives outside of Bigfork.  Leslie won the 2011 Agatha Award for best non-fiction for her first book, Books, Crooks, and Counselors: How to Write Accurately about Criminal Law and Courtroom Procedures


Death Al Dente flyer.docx





Join us for Summer Reading 2013! Sign-up begins May 31!

     Dig Into Reading - for kids

     Beneath the Surface! - for young adults

     Groundbreaking Reads- for adults


Click here for more information about the 2013 Summer Reading Program. 


HomeworkMT is here to help you with homework - kindergarten through college and beyond. 


MontanaLibrary2Go  now has ebooks as well as audiobooks to download! 


Storytimes: "Wiggles & Words for Wee Ones" for up to 3 year olds

                              10:30 - 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays


                        Preschool story time 11:30 - 12:00 a.m. on Wednesdays


Ongoing book sale in the entry way of the library and in the basement - something for everyone all of the time.


Check out the new Ready2Read site sponsored by the Montana State Library, http://ready2readmontana.org.

Literacy begins at birth and Ready2Read focuses on reading to your child from day one.





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