Join us Thursday, September 5, 2013 for an evening discussion of the book Death Al Dente with author Leslie Budewitz at the Glacier County Library. Leslie Budewitz is a native Montanan that lives outside of Bigfork. Leslie won the 2011 Agatha Award for best non-fiction for her first book, Books, Crooks, and Counselors: How to Write Accurately about Criminal Law and Courtroom Procedures.
Death Al Dente flyer.docx
Join us for Summer Reading 2013! Sign-up begins May 31!
Dig Into Reading - for kids
Beneath the Surface! - for young adults
Groundbreaking Reads- for adults
Click here for more information about the 2013 Summer Reading Program.
HomeworkMT is here to help you with homework - kindergarten through college and beyond.
MontanaLibrary2Go now has ebooks as well as audiobooks to download!
Storytimes: "Wiggles & Words for Wee Ones" for up to 3 year olds
10:30 - 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays
Preschool story time 11:30 - 12:00 a.m. on Wednesdays
Ongoing book sale in the entry way of the library and in the basement - something for everyone all of the time.
Check out the new Ready2Read site sponsored by the Montana State Library,
Literacy begins at birth and Ready2Read focuses on reading to your child from day one.
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